Free Server and Uptime Monitoring Solution in few seconds
Total servers monitored :

Alarms are FREE. Wait what? Yes FREE!




HTTP, PING, PUSH, more soon

Support Distributions (Tested)
Why is it free?
Simply because this project is a hobby and run by one man
Will it stay free?
How can I get notification if my server have problems?
We send notifications via Email, Telegram, Pushsafer, Pushover and Webhook. More will be added soon
Are there any limitations?
Current limitations are:
1. 25 servers and 25 uptime monitoring per user
2. Metrics are stored for 7 days
3. Unread alarms are stored for 2 month
How can I help you?
You can Buy me a coffee
Where are syagent servers are located?
Syagent servers are located in Nuremberg (Germany), hosted in Hetzner.
Here is a referral link if you need servers and help syagent - Hetzner
How can I contribute to syagent?
1. You can contribute to our agent and help to make it better - Agent
2. Suggest features - Discussions
3. Found bug? - Issues
How can I contact you?
Drop me an email to